The Coaches Training Institute, is the premier, and one of the largest educational institutions for the coaching profession. Headquartered in San Rafael, California, CTI delivers programs globally.
What is Unique About CTI?
CTI trains coaches to develop their own personal coaching style. CTI fosters an environment of individualized learning, innovative thinking, and intuitive interaction by integrating its unique teaching methodology with quality course leaders and its strong commitment to coaches and coaching. While providing students with a strong theoretical background, the emphasis is primarily experiential. Through demonstrations, exercises, practice, and feedback, each student receives personal, hands-on experience in developing a full range of coaching skills.
CTI Certification
CTI's certification program is both rigorous and comprehensive. Upon successful completion of the 6 month or fast-track program, and of written and oral certification examinations administered by a board of practicing professional coaches, participants earn the designation Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, CPCC. The program meets requirements set forth by the International Coach Federation, and graduates may immediately apply for the ACC credential from ICF.
Co-Active Coaching
Co-Active Coaching involves the active and collaborative participation of both the coach and the client. It is a powerful alliance designed to forward and enhance the lifelong process of human learning, effectiveness and fulfillment.
As depicted in The Co-Active Coaching Model, the client's fulfillment, whole life balance, and process of being a human being (rather than a human doing) take center stage.
The "A" represents the bigger life agenda that originates from the client, and is held by, but not prescribed by the coach. Encircling the client and their life, is the alliance designed by coach and client on behalf of the client. This special, often sacred space is safely held by the 5 Contexts and the 4 Cornerstones of Co-Active Coaching.
The Co-Active Coaching Model
3 Principles
1. Fulfillment... deriving deep meaning and satisfaction from life
2. Balance... viewing the world from an empowered stance, making powerful choices and taking effective action
3. Process... fully experiencing the richness of any given moment of life or work
The Co-Active Coaching Model
4 Cornerstones
1. The client is naturally creative, resourceful and whole.
- Nothing is broken or needs fixing.
- The coach has the questions, the client has the answers.
2. Co-Active Coaching addresses the client's whole life.
- The whole life focus is on Fulfillment, Balance and Process.
3. The agenda comes from the client.
- The client is in charge, the relationship is focused on the client getting the results they want.
- The coach ensures the clients are always steering towards fulfillment and balance, and are able to engage in the process of their lives.
4. The coach dances in the moment with the client.
- We coach what shows up rather than from a plan.
- There is a fluid give and take in the lead between the client and coach.
- Everything that is happening is an opportunity for learning and movement.
The 5 Contexts of the Co-Active Coaching Model